Medical Technology and Innovation

Medical light organ anatomic concept with colorful human heart on white background - Forest Medical Device Testing

Atherosclerosis and Cardiac Physiology

In a continuation of our articles exploring the medical science of cardiac physiology, we shall be looking in-depth into Atherosclerosis. Associated with ageing demographics, plus increased signs of metabolic syndromes, Atherosclerosis is a dominant reason for mortality globally. Forest Medical, like all other companies working in the Medical Device Testing industry, is committed to ensuring …

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Asthma and allergy concept in circle, thin line icons with allergy symptoms and the most common allergens. Forest Medical Spirometer Calibration

Mites Aggravate Severe Asthma

Mites indirectly induce the proliferation of smooth muscle cells of the bronchi in severe asthmatics, thus contributing to the aggravation of their disease. A research team has just proved this phenomenon and clarified its mechanisms. It invites people concerned to protect themselves against these microscopic agents.

COPD awareness frame poster with lungs filled with air bubbles on red background. Forest Medical Spirometer Calibration

COPD: Can we soon change the course of the disease?

Researchers are working on the development of a drug that could finally prevent the inevitable worsening of the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. By identifying a mechanism associated with the exacerbation of this chronic inflammatory disease of the bronchi, the researchers have indeed discovered a therapeutic target that is directly exploitable. | Forest Medical Spirometer Calibration

Embryons-Crispr-2 - Forest Medical Calibration Services

Genes Corrected With Crispr-Cas9 In Human Embryos

On August 2nd 2017, the journal Nature revealed that an international (American-Sino-Korean) team had managed to correct a defective gene in human embryos. The gene in question, named MYBCP3, is responsible when it is mutated from a serious disease affecting the heart muscle: hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). Presently without treatment, this disease, which affects one person …

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